About Fat Transfer Procedures
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons released their 2016 report, Plastic Surgery Statistics, revealing what procedures were popular last year and fat transfer procedures showed a significant increase in popularity. While facelifts and nose jobs were popular surgical procedures, and Botox and other injectables were still on the top of the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures list, the ASPS report showed that more Americans chose the fat transfer procedures like those performed by Dr. Johnson here at Innovations Medical to fill and sculpt their face and bodies. These procedures included facial fat injections to tighten and reshape the face. The number of these procedures performed in 2016 increased by 13 percent. Buttock fat transfers, also known as the Brazilian butt lift, increased 26 percent. This procedure is used to lift and reshape the buttocks for a fuller, rounder behind. The number of fat transfers for breast augmentation to reshape and lift the breasts increased greatly- up 72 percent over 2015.
Benefits for Patients
The fat transfer, or natural, breast augmentation is popular for many women who want a lift and a subtle new shape but want to avoid extensive surgery and general anesthesia. Another benefit of this procedure is the recovery time is reduced compared to breast augmentation surgery. Patients undergoing these procedures used their own fat that was harvested through liposuction. From body fat reduction to harvesting fat to enhance other parts of the body, the data shows new cosmetic procedural trends related to the role of fat in body shaping. Fat transfer procedures are proving popular because they have several factors that work in the patient’s favor. First, they use the patient’s own fat taken from an unwanted area like the thigh or abdomen through liposuction, which leads to a new, smaller shape.
A second factor that benefits patients is that lasers used during liposuction provide incredible skin tightening benefits by triggering the body to increase collagen production. Collagen tightens the skin, leaving the treated body part looking toned and shapely. The third benefit to fat transfer procedures is that they are minimally invasive- so no need for general anesthesia and long recovery periods. Although there is some bruising and swelling associated with these procedures, it is minimal and goes away quickly.
Give Us A Call!
Finally, since the fat used comes right from the patient, there is no chance of rejection or reaction. Do fat transfer procedures appeal to you? Become a statistic! Give Dr. Johnson a call at 214-643-8665 today to schedule your fat transfer procedure. Innovations Medical performs fat transfer and fat grafting procedures at both our Dallas practice location.