Want to have a cosmetic procedure, but are nervous about recovery? If the idea of having a cosmetic procedure makes you cringe, but the thought of getting great-looking results from the procedure has piqued your interest, you’re not alone. Many people want the results of cosmetic procedures but are nervous about going through with surgery – and the related recovery. While many procedures have a recovery period, knowing what recovery looks like and when you can expect to see results can make the journey worth it.
BBL Recovery: What Can I Expect?
If you’re feeling a little nervous about your upcoming Brazilian Butt Lift procedure and you’re not sure what to expect during recovery, you can talk with your doctor about the procedure. Generally, they will provide a list of things you can do to streamline your recovery process and maximize your results. This includes:
Understanding Bruising & Swelling
After your regular or 3D BBL procedure, it is safe to assume that you will experience some bruising and swelling at both the liposuction harvest site and the injection areas on your buttocks. This is totally normal and happens to the majority of BBL patients. Ice packs are very helpful in the liposuction areas in the first few days up to a week or so. Ice and cold can greatly reduce inflammation and soreness. You should also expect some mild discomfort after your procedure, which can be treated with pain medication. Be mindful not to exceed the number of pain relievers suggested — either by your doctor or the bottle.
Compression Garments After BBL Procedure
Compression garments are tight-fitting clothing that can help reduce swelling. Plan to wear compression garments following your BBL procedure to help reduce excess fluid buildup. These garments can be annoying to get on and off, but they help to improve healing and maximize your results.
Returning to Work & Exercise
Most patients need to take a few days off from work after their procedure. Many patients are concerned about being able to sit normally after the procedure, but you do not need to worry about pressure on your buttocks for normal sitting and daily activities — however, a BBL pillow provides the comfort you need to get back to your day job. You will also need to take off time from your gym schedule for two weeks or until cleared by your doctor.
BBL Recovery Timeline
On average, you can expect recovery to last six to eight weeks. While that sounds like a long time, there are things to look forward to while you’re convalescing.
When can I sit down after BBL surgery?
Unlike other BBL surgeries, our minimally invasive treatment doesn’t require a long period of time before you can sit on your buttocks or sleep on your back. However, your doctor will address these things in your post-ops instructions.
How long after BBL can I drink alcohol?
Alcohol can have damaging effects on your recovery. It damages the tissue that is trying to heal and can make your post-operative swelling last longer. Additionally, it can be dangerous to mix alcohol with painkillers. As such, you should avoid drinking alcohol for one to two weeks after surgery.
How long does swelling last after BBL?
In the first one to two weeks, bruising and tenderness will begin to fade. By six weeks more swelling will subside and you’ll be feeling more like your old self. While compression and ice packs can help reduce inflammation, there are other things you can do as well to speed up the recovery process. Certain foods can also help you reduce inflammation, so stocking up beforehand can be helpful. After recovering from your BBL, you will enjoy the new fullness, roundness, and firmness of your buttocks.
When can I start exercising?
At two to three weeks, you may begin light exercise — slowly increasing to normal over one or two weeks. But, you’ll need to be cleared by your doctor before you return to your regular exercise routine. For most patients, you’ll be able to return to your routine in six weeks.
Contact Innovations Medical for a BBL Treatment
If you’re looking to get a Brazilian Butt Lift, Innovations Medical is here for you. Our skilled professionals help you decide which treatment is best for you – keeping you informed and confident in the next steps. We’ve been helping our patients look and feel their best since 2005, and even our most advanced procedures are often minimally invasive.
To find out if BBL is right for you, and to learn how Innovations Medical can improve your life, call us at (214) 643-8665 or schedule a consultation.