Is Liposuction A Long-Term Option?

What Are Your Questions About Liposuction?

Some of the most popular questions we get at Innovations Medical are about liposuction. Questions about what makes a good candidate for the liposuction procedure, details about the procedure itself, and what patients should expect during the recovery period. One of the most popular questions we get from patients is “Are the results of liposuction long-lasting?”.

Liposuction for Re-Sculpting and Reshaping

Dr. Johnson performs SmartLipo liposuction on many patients and assures them that the results of their procedure are indeed going to last. Liposuction is not a weight-loss tool, rather it is a way to re-sculpt and reshapes the body. Many liposuction patients opt to have the procedure after significant weight loss, to remove stubborn fat that just won’t budge with diet and exercise. After liposuction, patients will see a new, shapelier physique. Patients can expect that their new shape will be fairly permanent – with some conditions.

Weight Gain After Liposuction

Because liposuction removes fat cells permanently, the removed cells cannot come back. This does not mean, however, fat cannot return with enough weight gain.  A small number of fat cells are always left during liposuction to protect the skin.  These cells can grow substantially if weight gain of more than 15-20 lbs occurs and result in some loss of shape in the area of liposuction. Patients who gain a small amount of weight after the procedure may see an increase in the size of their shape, but will retain their shape – their existing fat cells will simply get larger with weight gain.

Liposuction is a great way to reshape your physique, but liposuction does not stop time. The body will experience aging that may change the shape and silhouette of the body. Despite this, patients report being pleased with their post-liposuction body for many years after their procedure.

How Does Pregnancy Affect My Liposuction Results?

Another question regarding liposuction that we hear at Innovations Medical is about the impact of pregnancy on liposuction results. If a patient has liposuction in her midsection, and becomes pregnant after the procedure, gains weight, and then loses the weight she gained during pregnancy; her liposuction results will return after her weight loss.

We love to answer patient questions about liposuction and other procedures that Innovations Medical has to offer. We would love to hear from you. Call today at 214-643-8665.
