Large Volume Liposuction

Losing weight can be a journey — from choosing the right foods to finding the right exercise routine. Achieving your goals takes time, and your weight may fluctuate up and down as you figure out what works best for you. Sometimes, you may find that you’ve hit a plateau before you’ve reached your goal weight. But, if you’re overweight, your healthcare journey depends on being able to slim down. So, what are your options? Changing up your routine might help, but it’s not always guaranteed. Cosmetic options, like large volume liposuction, may be your solution. But, what should you expect from the procedure, and is it safe?

What is large volume liposuction?

Large volume liposuction has many names, such as mega liposuction, high volume liposuction, high BMI liposuction, plus-sized liposuction, extreme liposuction, and aggressive liposuction, to name a few. However, the name doesn’t describe the patient receiving the surgery, it’s actually referring to the amount of fat removed during the surgery. That’s because large volume liposuction removes up to 10 pounds when compared to regular liposuction which only removes up to 6 pounds. Similarly to liposuction, large volume liposuction is not a weight loss solution. Instead, it’s meant to boost your weight loss journey and help you remove stubborn fat that can’t be lost with diet and exercise.

What to Expect Before the Procedure

Regardless of whether you are overweight or not, you’ll need to talk to a physician before scheduling a liposuction appointment. That’s because certain medical conditions — such as diabetes and other medical conditions — may impact whether or not you are a good candidate for liposuction. During pre-op, you’ll be screened to determine if large volume liposuction is appropriate for your goals and desires.

Once screened, you’ll be able to meet with a physician to discuss your procedure. This is your opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the procedure and address any concerns. Since large volume liposuction removes more fat, multiple appointments may be necessary to remove mass from different areas of the body. This will mean scheduling several appointments and giving your body time to heal from one procedure before coming in for the next.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Safety is the most important aspect of all liposuction procedures. Large volume liposuction presents some important safety issues. To ensure maximum safety and easy recovery, we limit large volume patients to two liposuction areas during any one liposuction procedure. For example, a person doing upper and lower abdomen with 360-degree love handles would have the front (upper and lower abdomen) on one day and the love handles and back about two to three weeks later. This makes both procedures safer and recovery easier. IV fluids are also commonly given during large volume cases, so you may have an IV placed before your procedure.

What to Expect After the Procedure

After each procedure, you’ll need to take some time to heal. You’ll receive a set of instructions from your physician that will make the recovery process seamless. This includes eating the right foods to promote healing and wearing compression clothing to improve blood circulation. At Innovations Medical, our liposuction procedures are minimally invasive, meaning you’ll be able to return to work more quickly. This also eliminates many risks associated with cosmetic procedures — making the procedure safer for our patients.

When large volume liposuction is paired with diet and exercise, patients are 50% more likely to lose weight when compared to patients who don’t use liposuction in their weight loss journey. As such, you should expect your clothes to fit better and for your body shape to be more proportionate once you’ve healed from the procedures. However, since liposuction is not a weight loss solution, your long-term results will depend entirely on your ability to maintain your weight loss.

Who is an ideal candidate?

Anyone — men or women — looking to boost their weight loss journey can be a candidate for large volume liposuction. But, some conditions make for an ideal candidate. You should implement healthy weight loss solutions, including exercise and lifestyle changes. Ideal candidates are also:

  • People who have a BMI greater than 35
  • People who don’t like how their clothes fit
  • Women who have had a baby but struggle with slimming back down
  • People who have lost weight but struggle to lose stubborn fat
  • People with no history of eating disorders
  • Non-smokers

Benefits of Large Volume Liposuction

There are many benefits to getting plus-sized liposuction. However, your success will depend on your goals and your reason for getting the procedure in the first place. Common benefits include:

  • Boost in self-confidence
  • More youthful appearance
  • More proportionate body structure
  • The ability to contour several body parts
  • Elimination of gynecomastia or lipomas
  • Minimal scarring
  • Being able to resume your regular routine within days

Large Volume Liposuction Cost

Large volume liposuction requires more supplies for the procedure and more time for the doctor. Since more time and supplies are necessary, large volume liposuction costs somewhat more than regular liposuction. For example, upper and lower abdomen (front of stomach) liposuction costs $10,000. Additional areas range in cost from $3,000 – 5,000 each.

Contact Innovations Medical for a Consultation

If you’re looking to achieve your weight loss goals, Innovations Medical is here for you. Our skilled professionals help you decide which treatment is best for you – keeping you informed and confident in the next steps. We’ve been helping our patients look and feel their best since 2005, and even our most advanced procedures are often minimally invasive.

To find out if large volume liposuction is right for you, and to learn how Innovations Medical can improve your life, call us at (214) 643-8665 or schedule an appointment.