Early Signs of Balding

Early Signs of Balding Hair Loss

For many people, the concept of hair loss is rarely ever on their radar — until they start noticing it on themselves. All of a sudden, it stays at the mind’s forefront. Can this really be happening? What does this mean? Can I do anything to slow down the process — or prevent it altogether? While some men proudly shave their heads, others are worried about not meeting society’s expectations of what’s commonly found attractive or desirable. So, what can you do if you’ve recently noticed you’re now part of the balding demographic? And, are you really experiencing hair loss, or are you making a mountain out of a molehill?

What is considered normal hair loss?

Generally speaking, most people lose between 50 and 125 hair strands a day. The actual number varies depending on each individual — as well as other factors such as gender, hair care routine, nutrition, environment, stress, and genetics. For women, hair loss could be caused by pregnancy or menopause. It’s also possible to lose hair as a result of a health condition, such as a thyroid disorder, alopecia, lupus, or a nutritional deficiency — as well as a side effect of certain medications.

The First Signs of Hair Thinning & Early Signs of Balding

While some daily hair loss is normal, there are other signs that you may be dealing with balding. The most common include:

1. Thinning Hair

Thinning usually starts at the temples or crown of the head. And if you have family members with the same issue — and thus can blame genetics — the hair won’t grow back. That said, thinning hair doesn’t necessarily develop into baldness. Lifestyle factors — such as experiencing too much stress, over-treating your hair, and not getting enough nutrients —  could also contribute to it. In addition, it could be the result of an underlying medical condition. The best way to find the root cause is to talk with your doctor.

2. Receding Hairline

A receding hairline is often a hereditary trait that occurs as people age. Contrary to popular belief, it can sometimes start as early as the end of puberty. This is why there are so many men in their 30s who already have a significantly receded hairline. When it occurs in women, the culprit is more likely to be hormonal changes, such as during menopause. If you believe the reason is something else, it behooves you to visit a dermatologist to do a biopsy on tissue from your scalp.

3. Hair Falls Out in Clumps 

While it’s common to lose strands of hair daily — anywhere between 50 and 100 strands a day — it shouldn’t be falling out in clumps. It’s also normal to see a lot of hair in your hairbrush and shower drain at once. However, if you’re also noticing patchiness, bald spots, and full portions of hair falling out, it’s time to see your primary care physician to rule out an underlying medical condition, such as nutritional deficiencies, lupus, or problems with your thyroid. If all of these are ruled out, you may be dealing with hereditary balding.

4. Bald Spots

Bald spots could be a sign of alopecia — a condition that causes the immune system to attack the hair follicles. As a result, entire patches of hair fall out. A telltale sign is that these patches appear in near-perfect circles. Because it’s an autoimmune disorder, it affects not only the hair on your scalp, but eyebrows, eyelashes, face, and other body parts. Depending on the type of alopecia, the hair could regrow, or the loss could be permanent.

5. You’re Losing Hair All Over Your Body

Several conditions could cause hair loss all over the body, including alopecia universalis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), autoimmune disorders, thyroid conditions, iron deficiency, adrenal gland disorders, diabetes, stress, or hereditary hair loss. The only way to know for sure is to consult with a doctor.

At what age do people typically start to lose their hair?

While it’s common to think that hair loss is something that happens to senior citizens, hereditary hair loss can start as early as the teenage years. It can start as a receding hairline, at the temples, or at the crown of the head. It’s also possible to go through life with a head full of hair until well past mid-life, when it starts falling out.

What are the treatment options for hair loss?

While there are topical products you can try at home, they don’t always provide results for everyone. Some of them may even cause facial hair growth in women. At Innovations Medical, we offer more effective hair restoration methods.

Stem Cell Therapy

While traditional stem cell therapy harvests cells from bone marrow or umbilical cords, we harvest it from fat located within your own body. This provides a higher number of cells to work with and no chance of rejection. They work by implanting the stem cells into the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles.

AuraGraft System

When hair follicles become smaller — often due to age — our treatments can provide up to a 50% increase in hair growth in patients. We recommend about 20 sessions initially, and you can go straight to work right after each session.

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

The scalp is covered completely by a low-level laser called AuraLux. It uses 650-nanometer diodes to increase blood flow and deliver oxygen to the hair follicles. The process is painless, doesn’t require any preparation, and you can resume your regular daily routine right afterward.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

A more aggressive option is to undergo hair transplants — which involves taking hair follicles from the back of your head where hair follicles are healthy and reinserting them in balding areas of the scalp. We have the first tool ever developed specifically for follicular unit extractions, which is used to remove one hair follicle at a time. The entire process is painless and can be completed within one day. The results provide a more natural appearance.

Contact Innovations Medical for Stem Cell Therapy

If you are experiencing hair loss, Innovations Medical is here for you. Our skilled professionals help you decide which stem cell therapy treatment is best for you – keeping you informed and confident in the next steps. We’ve been helping our patients look and feel their best since 2005, and even our most advanced procedures are often minimally invasive.

To find out if stem cell therapy is right for you, and to learn how Innovations Medical can improve your life, call us at (214) 643-8665 or schedule an appointment.
