Facial Fat Transfer or Facial Fat Grafting gives patients a more youthful appearance by filling out the volume that is lost as part of the aging process.
What is FAMI?
Have you heard of FAMI? It stands for Fat Autograft Muscular Injection. That probably just left you with another question. Like what exactly is Fat Autograft Muscular Injection? FAMI is a fat transfer procedure that uses fat taken from another part of your body to use in your face. Dr. Johnson performs this type of fat transfer on patients who are looking to regain a youthful visage and reverse signs of aging. See our page Fat Autograft Muscle Injection (FAMI): Fat Transfer for the Face
How Does Aging Affect My Face?
As we age, so does our face. Skin quality diminishes. Collagen and elastin decrease. We begin to form wrinkles and sag. The facial fat volume also decreases. Loss of facial fat makes us look older. Think of the youthful appearance of children, aka “baby face” – it’s because they have a lot of facial fat. Our facial fat volume peaks between eighteen to twenty years old and then begins to gradually decrease.
How Does Facial Fat Transfer or FAMI Improve My Appearance?
FAMI gives patients a more youthful appearance by filling out the volume that is lost as part of the aging process. FAMI takes fat from another site on the body, refines it, and injects it into the face to replace that missing volume.
How Is FAMI Performed?
The procedure is minimally invasive, outpatient, and performed in the office. Dr. Johnson harvests fat from areas you do not want, refines the fat, and then carefully re-injects the fat into specific areas of your face. Dr. Johnson plans the procedure by comparing a current photo of you to a photo when you were 18-20 years old. At 18-20 years old, our bodies have the most fat in the facial area and photos from this time frame provides an accurate representation of what was, and what can be after facial fat transfer. At Innovations Medical, all FAMI procedures are done while awake and under local anesthesia. This technique allows the patient to walk out of the office after the procedure and reduces post-procedure downtime.
Recovery Time After Facial Fat Transfer
In general, bruising is typical for about 2-3 weeks post-procedure. Some patients will notice swelling and may experience social downtime for up to a week. However, most patients can resume their normal activities within a couple of days post-procedure.
Benefits of FAMI Over Other Facial Fat Transfer Procedures
Fat transfer procedures are not new to the cosmetic surgery scene, but FAMI is a different procedure than traditional transfer methods. FAMI takes into account the face’s vascular muscle network and places the injected fat in or under the muscle for longer-lasting results. Another benefit of FAMI is that it results in a fuller, more symmetrical look. Adding fat to the face can help improve tone, and may also improve the skin’s texture. Candidates who see the most benefit from FAMI are those who have sagging jowls and areas that appear sunken or skeletal, as well as anyone who wants to reduce the signs of aging. FAMI procedures are performed at our Dallas medical location.
If you want to make yourself more familiar with FAMI and have questions about the procedure call 214-643-8665 to schedule a FAMI consultation today.