
Stem Cells Fight Against Aging

​Aging affects every part of our body and is as inevitable as death and taxes. While aging causes our once-healthy tissues to become damaged and dysfunctional, that does not mean you have to simply accept it and move on. You can fight back using a small but powerful weapon that is already found in your […]

How to Prepare for a Tummy Tuck

How to Prepare for a Tummy Tuck

​In general, cosmetic procedures are not something you should rush into, and some procedures, such as the abdominoplasty, also known as the tummy tuck, require advanced planning, research, and post-op care. Understanding the ins and outs of the procedure before you go under the knife can help you have realistic expectations and a better recovery, […]

Sugar and Skin: How Does Sugar Affect the Body

Sugar and Skin: How Does Sugar Affect the Body?

You already probably know that sugar is bad for your teeth and your waistline, but is sugar bad for your skin? It is! Sugar can make your skin look tired and dull, which can make you look older prematurely. So, put down that sugary snack and read this. Sugar, Sugar Everywhere According to the U.S. […]


Stem Cells for Building New Bone

The online journal Scientific Reports recently detailed a study from Johns Hopkins Medicine showing support for previous research that a cellular protein signal facilitates the formation of both bone and fat in particular stem cells. The study also shows that this protein signal can be influenced to build bone. The researchers believe that manipulating the […]


A Surprising Finding of Fat

An investigation by University of Michigan researchers reveals new insight into why shoulder injuries take a long time to heal. Specifically, the researchers focused on why rotator cuff injuries tend to accumulate fatty tissue instead of new muscle. Tears of the rotator cuff, the group of four muscles and tendons that help to stabilize the […]


Cell Changes Mean Skin Changes

Cell Changes Affects to Skin We know that the aging process changes everything – our hair begins to turn gray and fall out, our waistlines may thicken, our bones get brittle and our eyesight worsens. Our skin also changes as we age. As we get older, changes to the skin become more evident as the […]

Scleroderma and Exercise

Scleroderma and Exercise

Scleroderma, also known as systemic sclerosis, is a chronic connective tissue disease that causes the hardening of the blood vessels, skin, and other connective tissues over time. When skin and connective tissues harden, it can make moving – and especially exercising – painful, uncomfortable, or downright impossible. So, how can people with scleroderma manage to […]


Does Diet Matter?

While no specific diet can treat Parkinson’s disease or completely relieve its symptoms, it is essential to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet to help keep you healthy and combat the effects of the disease. Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods, as well as staying hydrated, can help mitigate some symptoms […]


20 Years of Research in Regenerative Medicine

Although talk of stem cells happened as early as the 1950s and fat stem cells were described in the 1970s, November 1998 was when the world was introduced to the true potential of stem cell therapy. There is no doubt these tiny cells have changed medicine significantly. The revelation also opened the door for more […]


Just Say No

Can You Get Rid of Cellulite on Your Own? Not really, but you can take some steps to reduce its appearance. Eating better, drinking enough water and losing weight are all things that can help improve the look of lumpy body areas. So can exercise, but you don’t need to spend hours in the gym […]