
Skin Tightening FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Skin Tightening

Did you know that “skin tightening” is searched for on the web more than almost any other cosmetic topic? No wonder our images of youth and beauty almost always include smooth, wrinkle-free skin. The top actors and fashion models almost all have smooth beautiful skin. You never see an advertisement or commercial promoting a product […]


Liposonix vs Zerona vs Mesotherapy

For centuries women and men have sought a way to remove fat from a localized area. We want to get rid of the muffin top or the lower tummy. Many different devices and techniques have been used over the years to try and work it off, knead it off, shake it off; anything to get […]


Still on Top

Increasing Demand For Cosmetic Procedures New statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reveal what procedures were the most popular in the United States in 2018. The report shows that, once again, the demand for cosmetic procedures increased – between 2017 and 2018, the number of procedures performed rose from 17.1 million to 17.7 […]


LipoSonix: The Real Deal in Removing Localized Fat

For centuries women and men have sought a way to remove fat from a localized area. We want to get rid of the muffin top or the lower tummy. Many different devices and techniques have been used over the years to try and work it off, knead it off, shake it off; anything to get […]


How Does Thermage Skin Tightening Treatments Work For Body Shaping?

Dr. Johnson presents Thermage 16.0 live on Good Morning Texas. Innovations Medical is one of the top Thermage providers in the United States and has won several awards for our continued excellence in Thermage treatments. Does Thermage Skin Tightening Treatments Work For Body Shaping? Thermage Skin Tightening® has been used most extensively for non-invasive face-lifts […]


Thermage Facial Treatment

What is Thermage Skin Tightening? Thermage Skin Tightening® CPT is completely non-invasive with no surgery or injections. A single treatment tightens your existing collagen and stimulates new collagen. Improvements are both immediately visible and continue up to six months. Results can last for years depending on your skin condition, sun exposure and aging process. The […]


What is the process of getting a tummy tuck?

 What is Awake (Avelar) Tummy Tuck? The Awake Tummy Tuck technique was introduced by Dr. Juarez Avelar, MD in 1999. The Awake Tummy Tuck combines abdominal liposuction with excision or surgical removal of the excess skin on the lower abdomen. The liposuction is performed using tumescent anesthesia. Tumescent anesthesia is a form of local […]


Where is a breast fat transfer performed?

Advantage Of Fat Transfer Like many tumescent liposuction procedures performed today, most fat transfer procedures are done in the doctor’s office as an outpatient. The physicians’ office does need some special prepping and equipment though before procedures can be performed. Typically, the patient goes home after the procedure. In fact, most Innovations Medical patients walk […]


What is Breast Augmentation?

What is Fat Transfer? Fat Transfer is a relatively new procedure that can offer patients an alternative to traditional breast implants. The procedure works by removing fat from a patient’s own body, processing it to remove impurities and concentrate fat cells, and re-injecting it into areas of the body where additional fat is desired. Breast […]


Stem Cells Study Shows Potential for Healing Damaged Heart Muscle

Can Stem Cell Therapy Help Heart Failure? A Japanese study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in April shows promise that stem cells taken from the thigh of a heart failure patient could be a new way to treat heart failure. Researchers on the project performed at Osaka University have used the […]